Ripple Innovation

Image mockup of a myripple device

Proof of concept

A close-up of a man's legs running in sportswear

We have continued to test and refine Ripple ever since its birth in 2015. Ripple has consistently performed well right from our first lab based proof of concept devices through to testing in the real world.

Our first pilot study with Solent University in late 2022, looked at lactate threshold during exercise. From the results  we were able to refine our signal extraction algorithms through trials run by the Sports Scientists at Winchester University. Their results have also independently confirmed the findings of the Solent pilot study.

In early 2024, our study with Hallmark Care Homes showed we were successfully able to track hydration trends over an extended period. We were successfully selected from over 31 other companies internationally to provide our technology for this, a Barclays Eagle Labs Corporate Challenge.

We are currently running a real world application study with the Oxford University Triathlon Club using Ripple as part of their regular training routine. It is still early days but the results are consistent and promising.

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Our beta testers

Barclays Eagle Labs

Launched at corporate challenge with Hallmark Care Homes, ripple was successfully selected over the offerings from 31 other companies internationally.

Hallmark Care Homes

As part of an Eagle Lab Corporate Challenge we carried out an initial pilot to monitor the hydration levels of care home staff. This will now be extended to take in a larger group size as part of the ongoing studies with Southampton University.

Teeside University

The Sports Science Department have been testing ripple to evaluate effectiveness with endurance training, where nutrient intake needs to be matched to lactate production. This work remains ongoing. Initial results confirm the findings from the Solent University trial.

University of Southampton

Ripple is being used as a research trial outcome measure for a number of health related applications for tracking disease and use in space now under development.

University of Winchester

The Sport Science Department at Winchester have been enthusiastic testers of ripple. They have been able to independently repeat the results we saw at Solent University.

Solent University

Our early pilot work was carried out at Solent. They were able to demonstrate good correlation between ripple and conventional invasive test methods. This has now been reported through peer reviewed publication. Our work with Solent Sports Science remain ongoing.

University of Oxford

The Triathlon Club at Oxford University have been testing ripple for us a part of there training programme, the early indication are very promising.

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